Last week, I shared how religious messages taught me not to trust myself and to give more authority to external sources of authority.
In Laura Anderson’s book “When Religion Hurts You,” she states that in high control religions, “...suffering is valued over pleasure, and praise is given to those who experience hardship.”
Yep. Heard that one too.
I was taught that the only acceptable career path for me was not only God-ordained (remember the lightning strike?), but also one that would likely require a lot of sacrifice and suffering.
If a career brought me joy and happiness, it was probably a selfish pursuit and therefore wrong for me to pursue.
I reject this message as well. I truly believe that our natural gifts, the ones that bring us joy and fascination and enthusiasm – are the very things that we’re here on this earth to do.
If someone had told me this earlier in life, perhaps I would not have given up dancing – an activity that brought me immense joy, but that I didn’t deem a “sacrificial” enough career path.
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
This quote by Howard Thurman (a theologian, no less!) is a view I can get behind.
As always, feel free to reach out if you need support during your career transition. You got this!