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Next Level

A Steady Dose Of Career Goodness... For Less than you spend on Take-Out. 


 Once a Month Learning Labs


Once a Month 

"Ask a Coach" Live


15% off Select Coaching Packages 


15% off Career Communities

No Fuss. No Drama.

JudGeMent Free Career Content.

Black Man : Black Woman Using Laptop A.p

Does any of the following sound like you? 

  • Thinking about a possible career transition stresses you out! You aren't sure where to even begin. 

  • You give work your all, but there isn't much left for yourself at the end of the day. You want a new way to prioritize YOU. 

  • You want to position yourself for a promotion, but are not sure how to go about it. 

  • You want to be a better leader and handle change well. 

  • You prefer a judgement free zone. You want to "do career" differently. Where you get to consider your values, motivations and purpose. 

  • Salary negotiation, interviews, networking are all things you know about in general, but would like to learn more. 

If this sounds like you, we have an easy, accessible solution. (And we're serious - it costs less than take-out.)

Your Membership Includes:

  • Community Membership

    Every month
    • Once a Month - Learning Lab
    • Once a Month - "Ask a Coach" Live
    • 15% off Select* Coaching Packages
    • 15% off Career Communities

All Offerings are Virtual. Cancel Anytime. 

Learning Lab Topics


​Learning Labs are once a month, live group learning sessions. Typically 45 minutes long and open to all members. They are interactive, thought provoking, and give you an opportunity to "prototype" new ideas in real time. 


 *All Offerings are Virtual. Topic Examples Include:

  • Self Leadership and Professional Purpose

  • Conflict Styles and Communication

  • Personal Branding and LinkedIn

  • Design Thinking and Creativity

  • Emotional Intelligence And Communication

  • Change in the Workplace and Locus of Control

  • Transferable Skills and Interviewing

  • Identity and Professionalism

  • Boundaries and Time Management

  • Personal and Community Wellness

Career Communities

Take tangible steps to empower your next career move, all while engaging in a small community of support. Career Communities are short-term (2-3 weeks) groups that meet once a week to take a deep dive on a particular topic area. You'll leave refreshed, re-focused, and with a set of new professional connections to cheer you on. Don't fall into the trap of applying to endless jobs online, alone behind your computer. Instead, join a career community and try a new approach. 

Learn More

Businesswoman with Mask





"Ask a Coach" Live is a 30 minute, live group "Q&A" session once monthly. Need to ask about salary negotiations? Want to brush up on cover letters? This is a good way to get answers to your questions. Quick. Easy.

Like curb-side delivery for your career. 

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